We're Here For You

Medication Assisted Therapy enables patients to focus on one thing – achieving a full and lasting recovery.

Many patients put off getting the addiction help they need because of the fear of withdrawal. We understand and we have the program that puts those fears to rest.  OHCC which is affiliated with RRCI prescribes various courses of Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT). Each offers immediate relief from withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

You may not be in control of your addiction, but at RRCI Medication Assisted Therapy can help you be in complete control of your recovery.

A Medication Assisted Therapy program could include one or multiple medications prescribed in a comprehensive course of treatment. For example, a complete course of treatment may begin with Suboxone® , which is gradually replaced with Sublocade, a recently approved FDA buprenorphine extended-release monthly subcutaneous injection ,which is given on site during visits. All medications are prescribed at our outpatient treatment centers OHCC under the supervision of our physicians. Our staff is ready to assist you with co-pay coupons and prior authorizations to facilitate maximum prescription coverages at your pharmacies.

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RRCI Has Success Rates 4X Higher Than Industry Averages